CocktailJS v0.5.0 Released

November 28, 2013

We are happy to announce a new version of CocktailJS! CocktailJS v0.5.0 is available on npm!

#A new version and more! With this new release we added more functionality to cocktail by adding a new way to create, use and share custom annotations. We also improved the code by refactoring some internals to avoid duplicated code, fixed some issues and we have added some tests too. But that’s not all. We have created a few CocktailJS Extensions and you can expect more of them to be released in a near future.

##Introducing cocktail.use() With this new method you can add (or even override) annotations. The process is very simple. You have to define the annotation processor (it must be a class) that you can annotate with @annotation and register it in the processors list using use() method. You can read more in our documentation about cocktail.use and @annotation where you will find a more detailed explanation and examples.

##Extensions We have been discussing about using node’s EventEmitter as a delegate in a previous post. So we decided to share that implementation and also improve it a little bit to add more functionality. Our very first extension then is an Eventable Trait and it is already available on npm!

We are working to add a new section to list all the available extensions for cocktail so stay tuned!.

Feel free to give us feedback here, or just open an issue on our github repo

Happy coding!

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